For all the children of Zihuatanejo that just need one chance to thrive. A community where learning is customized and kids and teachers feel safe. Think of the possibilities!!!
Our Story
13 years ago, teachers Gabby and Mario saw the overwhelming need for a school to support children who were born with disabilities. Mainly focused on intellectual disability as schools in Zihuatanejo, Mexico did not have educational opportunities for, these individuals. So Mario and Gabby opened up there home to as many children as possible. Sense then they have turned their garage into a classroom and currently they support around 30 students per day. Gabby and Mario’s dreams has always been to build a school that would be a cutting edge education environment for these individuals. May 17th, 2022, we opened the doors of the new seahorse school! Now we shift our focus to building the second floor and maintaining what has already been built. We are approved as a non-profit!!

Donate To The Seahorse School!
Looking to make a difference in the lives of children? Consider donating to The Seahorse School! All donations are tax deductible and go directly towards funding future programs for our students. Join us in creating a brighter future for the next generation. For Paralympic funding please email logan.knowles14@gmail.com
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